BNP looks for secret alley to grab power: Quader

Reported By: BSS Posting Time: 2022-05-26 21:44:54 Catagory: Bank
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Claiming that the country’s people are ready to thwart the conspiracies of the BNP and its allies, the AL general secretary said if the BNP again takes the path of violence and the politics of arson attacks like in 2013-14, the ruling AL is ready to take to the streets with the commoners to protect their lives and properties.

Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader on Thursday said the BNP is looking for a murky secret alley to seize the state power once again.
“The dialogue that the BNP is talking about to outline a united movement against the government is not a dialogue at all but a deep conspiracy of the party and its allies,” he told a press conference at his secretariat office on Thursday morning.
Quader, also the road transport and bridges minister, said the BNP is trying to fish in troubled water by making the country instable. “The people now understand that the negative politics of the BNP has gobbled up the party,” he added.
Claiming that the country’s people are ready to thwart the conspiracies of the BNP and its allies, the AL general secretary said if the BNP again takes the path of violence and the politics of arson attacks like in 2013-14, the ruling AL is ready to take to the streets with the commoners to protect their lives and properties.
About the BNP’s unison with different political parties, he said: “The country’s people saw the BNP’s unity with different leaders in the past when elections came. It was limited to paper only. The people did not get any result”.