EU delegate to visit shrimp factories by December

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2023-09-16 23:22:03 Catagory: Bank
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EU delegate to visit shrimp factories by December

KHULNA: Exporters is dreaming to bring back the golden glorious days in shrimp sector as a European delegate is likely to visit Bangladesh in next December, after five years of its last visit.
The EU team is expected to visit some frozen shrimp exporters, shrimp production and marketing factories in Dhaka, Chattogram and Khulna between 5 to 10th December this year, Bangladesh Frozen Foods Exporters Association (BFFEA) sources said here today.
In 2018, an EU delegate visited Bangladesh, one of the largest shrimp exporting countries in the world, to witness hygienic situation, wages and facilities of the labourers, environment and quality of shrimp production and processing in different shrimp and marketing factories.