Govt allows export of 3,950 MTs of Hilsha to India

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2023-09-20 21:26:49 Catagory: Bank
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Govt allows export of 3,950 MTs of Hilsha to India

The Ministry of Commerce has given permission to some 79 enterprises to export some 3,950 metric tons (MTs) of Hilsha to neighboring India ahead of the Durga Puja.
The Ministry issued permission in this regard today and thus sent a letter to the Office of Chief Controller of Imports and Exports. Each of the 79 exporting enterprises would be able to export 50 metric tons of Hilsha.
Talking to this correspondent, additional secretary of the Ministry of Commerce and chief of the export wing, Md Abdur Rahim Khan said, "India is our closest and a friendly neighbor. They are also a big trade partner of ours. So, like the previous years, permission has been given this time also to export Hilsha to India ahead of the Durga Puja."