Durga Puja countdown begins with Mahalaya celebration

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2023-10-15 02:18:06 Catagory: Bank
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Durga Puja countdown begins with Mahalaya celebration

Mahalaya, an auspicious occasion that heralds the advent of Goddess Durga, was celebrated this morning with due religious fervour and gaiety just a week ahead of Durga Puja, the largest festival of the Bangalee Hindu community slated for October 20-24.
Mahalaya marks an invitation of sorts to goddess Durga to begin her journey from Kailash to her paternal home (earth), along with her children, said Jagannath Hall Upasanalaya chief priest Sadhan Chakrabarty.
This invitation is extended through the chanting of mantras from Sri Sri Chandi and singing of devotional songs as countdown for Durga Puja began with the celebration of Mahalaya, he said.