Quader voices displeasure over three-wheeler movement on highways

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2023-10-22 21:19:47 Catagory: Bank
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Quader voices displeasure over three-wheeler movement on highways

Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader today expressed dissatisfaction over the movement of three-wheelers on the country highways and the poor enforcement of the road safety act.
"Although court imposed restrictions on the movement of easy-bikes, Nachiman-Kariman on 22 roads, it has not stopped yet...it has not stopped in most places. The movement of easy-bikes remains stopped when I visit to any place. It starts again when I leave the place," he told a function here.
Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA) organised the discussion at Osmani Memorial Auditorium in the morning marking the National Road Safety Day 2023.