DMP announces Tk 20,000 reward for handover of arson attacker

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2023-11-06 19:45:53 Catagory: Bank
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DMP announces Tk 20,000 reward for handover of arson attacker

The Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) has announced a reward of Tk. 20,000 for handing over those who are carrying out violent acts and setting fire on cars and buses in the name of blockade.
“Tk. 20,000 will be given to whoever will hand over arson attacker to police during the siege programme of BNP,” DMP Commissioner Habobur Rahman told a meeting on with Petrol Pump Owners Association at his office here today.
“We have detained many of those who are setting fire on cars, throwing petrol bombs, resorting violent acts at various places, the DMP chief said adding that the locals have already handed over many of them to police.”