Price of vegetables declines in city markets

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2023-11-08 18:32:58 Catagory: Bank
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Price of vegetables declines in city markets

The prices of most vegetables have declined in the city different markets as the country is witnessing a plentiful supply of early varieties of winter vegetables over the last two weeks.
As prices of most of the vegetables, including bean, aubergine, radish, cucurbitaceous plant, yard long bean, cauliflower, cabbage, papaya, okra, bitter gourd, bottle gourd, sweet gourd and green chili, have declined by Tk 20-30 compared to the prices, found two weeks before.
"Prices of per kilogram of vegetables maximally rose to Tk 80-120 in the city markets two weeks ago while the cost is currently declining significantly," said Mohammad Shahadat Hossain, a vegetable retailer at Hazrat Shah Ali kitchen market, Mirpur-1.