Home ministry asks police to debar political rallies till voting

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2023-12-13 21:12:12 Catagory: Bank
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Home ministry asks police to debar political rallies till voting

The home ministry today asked police to debar political rallies or other such activities from December 18 until the end of the January 7 elections in line with the Election Commission directives.
“The Election Commission (EC), within the purview of the Constitution, has mandated the closure of political meetings and gatherings from December 18,” Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal told a news briefing at his office.
According to the EC instructions, the candidates would be allowed to launch their election campaign from December 18 and from that date until the end of voting, all forms of meetings, rallies, or events that might disrupt the election process or discourage the voters from participating are strictly prohibited.