Flower growers happy with business

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2023-12-15 22:21:44 Catagory: Bank
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Price up 200%, Tk. 25 Cr sold in a day: Flower Society

The flower markets in capital city were buzzing during the celebration of 53rd Victory Day on December 16 as the country was liberated from the clutches of Pakistani occupation forces after a nine-month bloody war on the day in 1971.
Bangladesh Flower Society President Babul Proshad told that we have set target Tk.25 Crore for this victory day across the country. Flower farmers across the country, are happy as sale of their produce has soared ahead of the Victory Day celebration.
He said, “We were worried about the political unrest including Hartal and blocked programmes. However, the flower market has turned positive. People are buying flowers.”
According to the Bangladesh Flower Society, there are 18,000 flower growers and 30 thousand workers including packaging, laborer, van puller and workers in the country. They cultivate different types of flowers.