PM seeks more investments from Saudi Arabia

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2024-01-24 00:02:16 Catagory: Bank
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PM seeks more investments from Saudi Arabia

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has sought more investments from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) in Bangladesh to march ahead the measures taken by her government for socio-economic advancement of the countrymen.
"Make more investment in Bangladesh to take forward the initiatives taken by us for socio-economic advancement of the people," the Prime Minister speech writer M Nazrul Islam quoted her as telling the KSA Ambassador to Bangladesh, Essa Yousef Essa Alduhailan when he paid a courtesy call on her at the PM official Ganabhaban residence here.
Mentioning that Saudi Arabia and its people are very close to the heart of Bangladesh and she said, "Saudi Arabia always stands beside Bangladesh."
The Saudi envoy pledged to extend cooperation for continuation of Bangladesh development journey.