Personal info privacy decreasing everyday: NCSA DG

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2024-01-25 23:40:37 Catagory: Bank
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Personal info privacy decreasing everyday: NCSA DG

National Cyber Security Agency (NCSA) Director General Abu Sayed Md. Kamruzzaman said in a seminar that the personal information privacy decreasing day by day due to lack of awareness for handling online activities.
He said, the protection of personal information is now a global concern. For the first time we are very happy to observe Data Protection Week. Along with the advancement of technology, digital literacy of people is also very much needed. Covid-19 has made us a lot smarter, especially when it comes to home offices and online meetings. However, as we increase our presence online, the privacy of our personal information decreases. So, we have to be more aware of ourselves.
He made this remark in a seminar titled “Ensuring Data Privacy and its Challenges Amongst ICT Industry” as part of Data Privacy Week 2024 held at Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS) auditorium in the city on Thursday.
BASIS and Legalized Education Bangladesh jointly organized the seminar.