Tangail applies for GI rights for Tat sari

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2024-02-06 21:33:26 Catagory: Bank
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Tangail applies for GI rights for Tat sari

An application was submitted to the director general of the Directorate of Patents, Industrial Designs and Trade Marks under the industries ministry today, reports our Tangail correspondent.
“Tangail sari deserves to be recognised as a GI product of Bangladesh in any case. We have been going through the documentation process for Tangail sari recognition as a GI product for the past three months. We applied today,” Md Kaiserul Islam, deputy commissioner of Tangail, told reporters.
“Basically, it has been applied after making documentation after collecting the 250 years history of the sari and the information about people lives and livelihood related to it. The application has already been accepted. We hope to get the GI recognition of Tangail sari soon,” he said.