Cabinet approves draft law enabling village courts to fine Tk 3 lakh

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2024-02-11 23:23:18 Catagory: Bank
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Cabinet approves draft law enabling village courts to fine Tk 3 lakh

The Cabinet today gave final approval to the draft of Village Court (amendment) Act, 2024 enhancing the authority of village courts to fine Taka 3 lakh, raising the amount from existing Taka 75 thousand.
The approval came from the weekly Cabinet meeting, chaired by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina at the Prime Minister Office here.
Cabinet Secretary Md Mahbub Hossain briefed reporters at Bangladesh Secretariat this afternoon.
Hossain said the government gave the final approval to the draft act last year. There is an obligation to take approval from the new Cabinet as it was not tabled in the last parliament, he said, adding now the current Cabinet gave the final approval.