Singapore hangs Bangladeshi man for murder

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2024-02-28 22:45:03 Catagory: Bank
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Singapore hangs Bangladeshi man for murder

Singapore on Wednesday hanged a Bangladeshi man for murder, police said, in the first execution this year in the city-state.
"The capital sentence of death imposed on Ahmed Salim was carried out on 28 February 2024," the Singapore Police Force said in a statement.
The 35-year-old was sentenced to death in December 2020 for the murder of his former fiancee in Singapore, the SPF said.
He "was accorded full due process under the law, and had access to legal counsel throughout the process", it added.
Ahmed appeals before the Court of Appeal and petition for clemency to Singapore president were dismissed, according to the police.
It was the first judicial execution in Singapore this year, local anti-death-penalty group Transformative Justice Collective (TJC) said.
Before that, at least 16 people were hanged after Singapore resumed executions in 2022, all convicted on drug trafficking charges.
There had been a two-year pause during the Covid-19 pandemic.