Ride-hailing services: 300,000 women likely to join Dhaka workforce by 2028

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2024-03-07 20:56:28 Catagory: Bank
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The ride-hailing services are playing a significant role for women to access the workforce as nearly three lakh women are expected to join Dhaka workforce by 2028 as per a study report released on Thursday.
Uber, Bangladesh most preferred ride-hailing app, released the research report that sheds light on the transformative role of ride-hailing platforms in empowering women and fostering economic opportunities in Bangladesh.
The industry report, titled “Ride-Hailing: A Platform for Women Economic Opportunity in Bangladesh,” unveils a compelling view of how these services are playing a transformative role in bringing more women into the workforce.
The study reflects how ride-hailing services have become a vital vehicle for women to access the workforce or move up the ladder to achieve financial independence.
As per the projections of the study, access to mobility could increase female workforce in Dhaka by over 13% by 2028 and nearly three lakh women will join Dhaka workforce with a ride-hailing boost to women.