BB plans to merge 10 banks in a year

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2024-03-12 23:58:28 Catagory: Bank
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BB plans to merge 10 banks in a year

Bangladesh Bank (BB) Executive Director and Spokesperson Mezbaul Haque today informed that the regulator is planning to merge 10 banks within a year.
“Following the merger, the weak bank can become the strong bank while strong banks can be stronger banks,” he told reporters in a press briefing at BB headquarters in the city.
Mezbaul Haque said BB various departments assess different components regularly for financial risk management.
But it is not a real health indicator, he added.
He said, "We developed a Prompt Corrective Action (PCA) framework to classify banks. As a result, banks will be evaluated in four categories. This will be done based on the balance sheet of 2024. It will be implemented from May 2025."