Tiktok removes 7 million videos from Bangladesh

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2024-04-01 21:04:00 Catagory: Bank
news portal on youtube
Tiktok takes action for violating community guidelines

Tiktok has taken action against 7,599,349 videos from Bangladesh for breaching its Community Guidelines in the fourth quarter, underscoring its resolve to combat violations effectively.
Unveiling its latest Community Guidelines Enforcement Report for the fourth quarter of 2023 today (1 April), TikTok highlighted its commitment to transparency, safety, and inclusivity, reflecting its dedication to building trust and ensuring a safe platform for its global community, said a press release.
During the October-December period of 2023, TikTok proactive measures led to the removal of 176,461,963 videos worldwide, representing about 1.0% of all videos uploaded on the platform.
A substantial portion of these, 128,300,584 videos, were identified and removed through automated detection technologies, while 8,038,106 videos were reinstated upon further review.