Grameen Bank submits allegation to ACC against Yunus

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2024-05-26 22:10:45 Catagory: Bank
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Grameen Bank submits allegation to ACC against Yunus

Grameen Bank Deputy Managing Director Pradeep Kumar Saha submitted the application on Sunday on behalf of the bank board of directors.
Barrister Masuda Akhter, legal advisor of the bank, was with him at the time.
Briefing reporters, Pradeep Kumar Saha said in the nineties, when Dr Yunus was the chairman of Grameen Bank, Packages Corporation Limited was given a loan of Tk9.5 crore without adhering to the rules and regulations.
In addition, Yunus also gave printing-related work worth crores to the family-owned business without a tender.