Huge trees fall in rain, cause damage

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2024-05-27 21:28:46 Catagory: Bank
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Huge trees fall in rain, cause damage

Due to the impact of Cyclone Remal, trees fell on the roads in several places in the capital.
Heavy rain and strong wind that intermittently lashed the capital city on Monday brought trees crashing down at different locations. Power supply was also disrupted at a couple of places due to broken power lines.
Fire Service Civil Defense department said at least two hundred trees fall in the road during the Remal affect.
Till 8.30 p.m. the city received 116 mm of rainfall. Widespread rain and isolated heavy showers have been forecast in the State for the next 48 hours.
Traffic on the road is disrupted for some time. Several fire service units have removed the trees from the road after receiving the news of the fallen trees.