PM seeks US businessmen partnership to build Smart Bangladesh

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2024-05-27 21:33:34 Catagory: Bank
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PM seeks US businessmen partnership to build Smart Bangladesh

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today sought support of the United States (US) businessmen in Bangladesh journey to become a developed and smart country by 2041.
"I call on you to remain with us as partners in our journey to a developed, prosperous, and smart Bangladesh by 2041," she said while addressing a US-Bangladesh Business Council delegation at her official Ganabhaban residence here this morning.
"We aspire to become a "Smart Nation" by 2041. Here, we need your support in increasing our global competitiveness and expanding our export base," she said.
The prime minister said Bangladesh will be graduating from a "least developed" to a "developing" country in 2026.