Arrest warrant issued against Rafsan the ChotoBhai

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2024-06-13 21:58:05 Catagory: Bank
news portal on youtube
Marketed unauthorised energy drink

An arrest warrant has been issued against YouTuber Iftekhar Rafsan, popularly known as “Rafsan the ChotoBhai,” over allegations of marketing an unauthorised energy drink called “Blue.”
Bishuddho Khaddo Adalot Judge Alaul Akbar issued the order on Thursday evening.
Earlier, Mohammad Kamrul Hossain, a food inspector of the Food Safety Authority, appealed to the court, stating that “Blue” drinks were unauthorized. He mentioned that “Blue” had no approval from the Directorate General of Drug Administration (DGDA), as it is neither classified as medicine nor as a consumable beverage.