India Parliamentary body recommendation on Teesta deal encouraging: foreign ministry

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2023-08-03 20:49:52 Catagory: Bank
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India Parliamentary body recommendation on Teesta deal encouraging: foreign ministry

The recent recommendations made by India Parliamentary Standing Committee to initiate a meaningful dialogue with Bangladesh regarding Teesta water sharing agreement has generated hope in Dhaka.
"It is surely encouraging and meaningful, specially MPs from all political parties of India are there in this committee. That is why such a recommendation generated hope among us," spokesperson at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Seheli Sabrin told reporters at the weekly media briefing at foreign ministry here on Thursday.
She said the committee recommendations to reaching consensus on Teesta water sharing through meaningful dialogue with Dhaka to strengthen the further relations between the two countries has drawn attention to the Bangladesh foreign ministry.
Bangladesh has described the recent recommendations, made by India Parliamentary Standing Committee, as "encouraging and significant" regarding the Teesta water-sharing agreement.
"We have also informed regarding the matter from our mission in New Delhi. It is surely encouraging and significant," she said.