National plan needed to bring dengue under control: Experts

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2023-08-03 21:00:24 Catagory: Bank
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National plan needed to bring dengue under control: Experts

Health officials and experts have stressed coordinated efforts and a national plan to battle the current onslaught of dengue. Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR) adviser and infectious disease expert Dr Mostaq Hossain said it is not possible to control dengue without concerted efforts. To eliminate the breeding ground of Aedes mosquitoes in Dhaka and across the country, a coordinated initiative has to be undertaken, he told UNB. We have a directive from the inter-ministerial task force. There are many initiatives that can be handled individually and many that have to be done in coordination. To clean your flat, you need the coordination of experienced city corporation workers, flat owners association volunteers and local public representatives, he added.