Bangladesh warned of cyber-attack on 15 August

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2023-08-04 22:36:28 Catagory: Bank
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Bangladesh warned of cyber-attack on 15 August

A group of hackers have threatened a storm of cyber-attacks in Bangladeshi cyberspace. The hackers set 15 August as probable date to hit the cyberspace of the country. Bangladesh e-Government Computer Incident Response Team (BGD e-GOVT CIRT) has issued an alert in the wake of the threat. BGD e-GOVT CIRT on Friday issued a press release of the warning undersigned by the project director Mohammad Saiful Alam Khan. The press release says a group of hackers on 31 July issued warning that the cyberspace of Bangladesh would be attacked on 15 August. “Bangladesh Government Computer Incident Response Team (BGD e-GOV CIRT) is releasing this alert to warn critical information infrastructures (CII), banks and financial institutions, health care and all sorts of government and private organizations of the possible conducted cyber-attacks by the groups that may disrupt IT operations and businesses. All organisations are advised to be on alert for small to medium-scale cyber-attacks originating from the subject hacktivist groups and to take the required precautions to protect their infrastructures,” the press release reads. The press release said the hackers identify themselves as Hacktivist and have been targeting Bangladesh and Pakistan. BGD e-GOVT CIRT said it, in a recent research, identified several similar group of hackers who attack sites of Bangladeshi organisations frequently. The screenshot provided by the BGD e-GOVT CIRT in the press release shows that the hackers claimed themselves to be Indian.