WHO urges swift action as dengue cases surge in Bangladesh

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2023-08-13 01:17:25 Catagory: Bank
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WHO urges swift action as dengue cases surge in Bangladesh

A significant surge in dengue fever cases has gripped Bangladesh, the UN World Health Organization (WHO) reported on Friday , calling for efforts to control the mosquito vector population and minimize individual exposure such as using mosquito repellents and wearing long-sleeved clothes.
The outbreak, which escalated rapidly since late June, has seen a total of 69,483 confirmed cases and 327 related deaths between January 1and August 7, with a case fatality rate of 0.47 per cent, according to the UN health agency. The cases were reported from all 64 districts in the country.
In July alone, 43,854 cases and 204 deaths were reported, accounting for 63 per cent of the total cases and 62 per cent of the deaths. The sharp increase in numbers is unprecedented compared to the past five years, emphasizing the gravity of the ongoing outbreak.