PM opens universal pension scheme

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2023-08-17 21:19:01 Catagory: Bank
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PM opens universal pension scheme

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today inaugurated the much-talked-about Universal Pension Scheme to bring all the people of the country aged above 18 under the scheme.
She initially opened the pension scheme - Pragati, Surokkha, Samata and Prabashi--- joining the inaugural programme virtually from her official Ganabhaban residence here in the morning.
After launching the scheme, the premier said, "We opened the Universal Pension Scheme in the Month of Mourning. Initially four schemes out of six were inaugurated today as two other schemes will be launched later".
Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman will be happy from heaven seeing that her government is trying to give his people a beautiful and improved life, for which, he dedicated his entire life, she said.