Prof Yunus presents artbook on graffiti to US officials

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2024-09-15 21:23:40 Catagory: Bank
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Prof Yunus presents artbook on graffiti to US officials

Chief Adviser Professor Muhammad Yunus today presented an artbook on the graffiti on the roadside walls in Bangladesh to a visiting US delegation during a meeting at the State Guest House Jamuna here.
The Chief Adviser commissioned the artbook immediately after he was sworn in as the head of the Interim Government on August 8.
The book carries photos of some of the finest art works drawn by the students and young people on the walls of Dhaka and other cities and towns marking the fall of the autocratic regime in the July-August student-people uprising.
Prof Yunus spoke about the historic significance of the graffiti, which depicted emotions, hopes, and aspirations of the students and youth who participated in the protests against the fascist Sheikh Hasina regime, defying the brute forces.