Ashulia RMG factories face $110m losses

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2024-09-17 20:54:58 Catagory: Bank
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BGMEA fears for 30% order declining

Readymade Garments (RMG) is the main foreign exchange earning sector of Bangladesh. At the same time this labor intensive sector is very important to address the demands of occupation of a huge population.
But in recent times the growth and existence of this sector came under threat when this sector faced severe labor unrest in Ashulia zone.
Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) president Khandoker Rafiqul Islam told the Business Eye that at least $110m losses during the unrest in Ashulia area while 30 factories vandalized and torched severely.
He informed that now the buyers are very much fear which will effect on the country brand image. The whole sector will face huge losses for this unrest.
He demanded that 15% order will be declined in next session and some buyers may give the orders to another our competitors.
Vice President Rakibul Alam Chowdhury demanded that at least 30% order may be declined and factory owners may face extra barriers to get the orders.