BAT Bangladesh bags ICAB National Awards in 3 categories

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2023-11-02 21:26:08 Catagory: Business News
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BAT Bangladesh bags ICAB National Awards in 3 categories

BAT Bangladesh has been accoladed with 3 awards (in 3 categories) at the 23rd ICAB National Award for Best Presented Annual Reports 2022. The company has received this recognition for the 8th time since 2016. This year, BAT Bangladesh has bagged awards in 3 different categories:
Manufacturing (Position: First), Corporate Governance Disclosures (Position: Third), and Integrated Report (Position: Certificate of Merit).
The winner was selected based on an independent evaluation of the Review Committee for Published Accounts & Reports (RCPAR) of Council-ICAB and due recommendation of the Jury Board.