Stocks witness flat

Reported By: BSS Posting Time: 2022-03-30 01:19:10 Catagory: Commentary
news portal for bangladesh
The day’s trade value at DSE increased to Taka 9,816.16 million from Monday’s Taka 9,245.70 million and the daily trade rose to 21.89 crore shares from 18.20 crore of the previous session.

DHAKA, March 29, 2022 (BSS) - Stocks today witnessed flat with downward trend of major price indices at Dhaka and Chittagong stock exchanges due mainly to price fall in some large-cap securities. The broader DSEX index of Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) closed the day with 7.13 points up at 6,765.30. The blue-chip DS30 also followed the same trend with 3.02 points up at 2,471.08. But, the Shariah DSES closed the day with 0.48 point down at 1,464.98. At the DSE, prices of 178 securities out of the day’s 380 closed higher against 150 losing issues. The day’s trade value at DSE increased to Taka 9,816.16 million from Monday’s Taka 9,245.70 million and the daily trade rose to 21.89 crore shares from 18.20 crore of the previous session. The major gaining issues were Northern, BNICL, IPDC, PF1STMF and Crown Cement. The major losing issues were DUTCHBANGLA, Premier Bank, Mono Spool, Tamij Tex and ATLASBANG.