iDEA, BUP to work together to enrich startup culture

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2022-06-23 02:42:34 Catagory: Education
news portal for bangladesh
iDEA, BUP to work together to enrich startup culture

Innovation Design and Entrepreneurship Academy (iDEA) Project of Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) under the ICT Division and Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP) on Wednesday signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for working together to enrich the startup culture in the country.
Project Director (Joint Secretary) of the iDEA Project Md Altaf Hossain and Dean of the Faculty of Business Studies of BUP Brigadier General Md Moazzem Hossain, PhD, signed the MoU on behalf of their respective sides at the ICT Tower in the city’s Agargaon area.
Under the MoU, the iDEA Project and Bangladesh University of Professionals Human Resource and Leadership Club (BUP HRL) will carry out different startup-oriented programmes, including developmental activities, related to innovation and entrepreneurship.
Chairman of the Management Studies Department Dr Md Arifur Rahman and Chairman of Department of Business Administration in Marketing Lieutenant Colonel Sarder Ali Haider of BUP, Senior Consultants of iDEA RHM Alaol Kabir and Siddhartho Goushami, Legal Consultant of iDEA Adneen Zereen, National Consultant (Communication) of the iDEA of ICT Division Shohag Chandra Das and other officials from BUP and iDEA Project were present at the MoU signing ceremony, among others.
Speaking on the occasion, Md Altaf Hossain said that the core purpose of the MoU was to enrich the entrepreneurial culture at university level by providing the necessary resources, funding and appropriate networking to scale up.
The iDEA will also work to create entrepreneurship among the younger generation and encourage them to lead, including creating different opportunities for youth development, he added.
Altaf said that the two organizations will work together to provide appropriate resources, training and quality mentoring for innovators and entrepreneurs by utilizing and expanding the various facilities on both sides.
According to the MoU, iDEA and BUP HRL Club will jointly undertake different initiatives for the development of entrepreneurial culture including jointly organizing necessary sessions, training, mentoring, campaigns, seminars, awards and different programs.