4 regional offices of NAPE will be set up

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2023-08-23 20:37:01 Catagory: Education
news portal for bangladesh
4 regional offices of NAPE will be set up

Primary and Mass Education Secretary Farid Ahmed today said that four regional offices of the National Academy for Primary Education (NAPE) will be set up across the country to bring dynamism and expand the research activities of the academy.
“Initiative has been taken to amend the existing NAPE law and make it time-befitting to this end,” he said while speaking at a seminar at Primary Teachers Training Institute (PTI) auditorium here.
NAPE organized the seminar where four research reports- Bangla Reading Fluency: A Way Out to Improve the Situation; Setting Reading Fluency Benchmark in Bangla for the Students of Grade 3 and Grade 5; Measuring Teacher Effectiveness for Primary Teachers in Bangladesh and Weakness of Grade Three Students in Mathematics: Causes and Remedies- were presented.