British Council organises Symposium on Women in STEM

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2023-12-07 21:06:32 Catagory: Education
news portal for bangladesh
British Council organises Symposium on Women in STEM

The British Council has organised a Symposium on Women in STEM in Bangladesh on 05 December 2023, at 5 Fuller Road, Dhaka.
The event was organised to emphasise a pressing issue of recent time, the importance of women's meaningful participation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).
According to the World Bank's Bangladesh Country Gender Assessment 2021, women comprise only 14% of all STEM professionals in Bangladesh. According to ILO (International Labour Organisation), over the next two decades, women's jobs that don't require STEM skills will be put at risk.
Additionally, even though females are doing better than males in both primary and secondary levels, fewer girls are enrolling in STEM at the tertiary level. According to research, only 38 per cent of female students enrol in STEM in public institutions, and 45 per cent enrol in STEM in private institutions.
As Bangladesh becomes ready to confront an array of complex challenges — from economic stagnation to climate change to global health epidemics to rising inequality — the role of STEM has become instrumental in the technology-driven world.
There is a direct correlation between the development of a country and its practice of science and technology. And the participation of women in STEM occupations is crucial.