UCB offers early enrollment at London School degree

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2024-03-04 20:31:29 Catagory: Education
news portal for bangladesh
UCB offers early enrollment at London School degree

The country pioneering international education provider Universal College Bangladesh (UCB) has announced an “Early Enrollment Grant” for Bangladeshi students willing to pursue Bachelor degree under the London School of Economics (LSE), staying in Dhaka! If awarded the grant, the students will save Approx.
Taka 475,000 equivalent to GBP 3,395 in three years of the programme.
Interested students are required to complete their O/AS/A/HSC levels before applying for the program. Admission seekers must apply before April 30, 2024, to be eligible for UCB UoL-LSE EMFSS early bird offer. To apply, please visit - https://ucbbd.org/admission/university-of-london-uol-london-school-of-economics-lse-programs/. The program will commence in October 2024.