RHD, RPSU celebrated Pushkin birth anniv

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2022-06-07 02:14:36 Catagory: Education
news portal for bangladesh
RHD, RPSU celebrated Pushkin birth anniv

Russian House in Dhaka (RHD) and Ranada Prasad Shaha University (RPSU) jointly celebrated the 223rd birth anniversary of the Russian greatest romantic poet and the founder of the modern Russian Literature Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin on the campus on Monday.
Kumudini Welfare Trust of Bengal Limited Managing Director and Board of Trustee Chairman Razib Prasad Shaha was present as chief guest.
Russian House Director Maxim Dobrakhotav was present as special guest while Russian Embassy Deputy Chief of Mission Mrs. Eketerina Semonova was present as guest of honor.
RPSU Vice Chancellor Professor Monindra Kumar Roy presided over the function.
Among others, prominent journalist Zahed Reza Nur, Business Administration Departmental Professor Diba Mandal spoke.
A cultural function was held after the discussion meeting.