Young Girl Becomes GP Symbolic CEO for the Day

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2023-10-19 21:53:36 Catagory: Metro
news portal for bangladesh
Young Girl Becomes GP Symbolic CEO for the Day

In a celebration of the immense potential and power of girls worldwide, Grameenphone, leading telecommunications services provider in the country, proudly collaborated with their global sustainability partner, Plan International Bangladesh, for the International Day of the Girl Child.
The initiative aimed to empower and inspire young girls by giving them a unique opportunity to step into leadership roles and gain insights into various industries.
As part of this inspirational campaign, Maleka, a talented 17-year-old girl from the outskirts of Dhaka, had the opportunity to symbolically take over GP CEO position at Grameenphone's head office, GPHouse. Maleka stepped into the shoes of Yasir Azman, the Chief Executive Officer of Grameenphone, for a day, symbolizing the potential and aspirations of young girls in Bangladesh.