Top lifestyle partners receive accolades at GPStar Partner Award

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2023-10-31 22:33:01 Catagory: Metro
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Top lifestyle partners receive accolades at GPStar Partner Award

Marking a momentous occasion of celebration and appreciation for its valued GPStar business partners, Grameenphone recently organized GPStar Partner Award for 2 nd Quarter 2023 Ceremony at GPHouse.
The event brought together key representatives from our esteemed partner brands, honorng their exemplary efforts in consistently enriching the lifestyle of GPStar customers. The pioneer in customer service innovation expressed its gratitude to the stakeholders for their dedication and exceptional contributions in strengthening the GPStar loyalty program and delivering outstanding value to the GPStar customers.
As a part of the GPStar Partner Appreciation Program, the event showcased Grameenphone commitment to creating shared values for all stakeholders and prioritizing the GPStar customers through unique offerings. 7 distinguished partners across 3 distinct categories were honored for going above and beyond in serving the GPStar customers.
Artisan, Mirror Lifestyle, Vibrant, Pathao, and US Bangla Airlines won the Best Partner Award for 2 nd Quarter, 2023. Shwapno (online) received the Most Consistent Partner Award for 2 nd Quarter, 2023; and the Most Engaging Partner Award for 2 nd Quarter, 2023, was handed over to Secret Recipe.