Call for reducing plastic waste

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2023-12-06 21:28:18 Catagory: Metro
news portal for bangladesh
Call for reducing plastic waste

Industry experts and relevant stakeholders have underscored the need to introduce circular solutions for reducing plastic waste in Bangladesh in a recent webinar held on Tuesday night. They also opined that bigger and meaningful collaborations amongst stakeholders will play a significant role in addressing this problem. Bopinc in partnership with Arla Foods Bangladesh organized a webinar titled “Circular Solutions for Plastic Waste in Bangladesh”. The webinar was moderated by Rolph Droste, Lead, Circularity and Regeneration, Bopinc. Environment specialists, industry experts, sector specialists from development agencies and other stakeholders took part at the webinar.
Representatives and stakeholders from USAID, Oxfam Bangladesh, Embassy of Denmark, Arla Foods Bangladesh, Coca-Cola Bangladesh Beverages Ltd, International School Dhaka (ISD), Square Group, ACI, Arbab Group, PRAN RFL Group, Bangladesh Sustainability Alliance and Nestle Bangladesh Ltd delivered speeches and shared their recommendations at the webinar.
1,700 tonnes of plastic waste are dumped every day in Bangladesh while the amount of single-use plastic dumped annually in the country is 87,000 tonnes. Managing such volumes of plastic waste is a big challenge for the country. Additionally, there are other challenges with regards to plastic waste management that are hindering the process of building a sustainable future.