Bangladesh Water Credit Forum 2023 held

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2023-12-21 13:41:02 Catagory: Metro
news portal for bangladesh
Bangladesh Water Credit Forum 2023 held

The Water Credit Forum 2023, a flagship event of, was recently held in La Vita Hall of Lakeshore Hotel in Dhaka. This year theme, titled “Unlocking Growth and Driving Development: Opportunities in Water and Sanitation Financing for Households, MSMEs, and Utilities”, sought to revisit achievements and chart new ways forward.
In this program Mr. Md. Fashiullah, Executive Vice Chairman of the Microcredit Regulatory Authority, was present as the Chief Guest.
The event was attended by over 150 leaders from NGOs, INGOs, multilateral and bilateral agencies, MSMEs, startups, infrastructure companies and think tanks. In the event, also shared its plans to ramp up its operations in utilities and infrastructure financing in South Asia and globally, facilitating impact investment into MSMEs and financial institutions, and also explore deeper into the nexus between climate change adaptation through its various programs.