ICT Journey Can Pave South Asia to Become Digitally Smart

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2023-12-25 02:51:38 Catagory: Metro
news portal for bangladesh
ICT Journey Can Pave South Asia to Become Digitally Smart

Mr. Enamul Hafiz Latifee, Research Fellow, BASIS, and Managing Director and CEO of EHL Market Intel explores ICT transformation in Bangladesh and recommends aspirant South Asian countries to pursue the 8 by 4 formula learned from its journey at the 7th Nepal-Bangladesh Youth Conclave and 3rd Bangabandhu Youth Conference on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) & Climate Change, held on December 19, 2023 at the Bangladesh Embassy in Kathmandu with a call for fostering collaboration and innovation in the pursuit of a sustainable future.
In a comprehensive discussion, Enamul Hafiz Latifee unveiled key insights into Bangladesh ICT transformation applauding Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Vision 2021, a renewed version of it-- Vision 2041 and its regional implications at the event united Bangladeshi and Nepali delegates, with Bangladesh Ambassador to Nepal, Excellency Mr. Salahuddin Noman Chowdhury as Chief Guest. The discussion covered ICT export trends, HR capacity, international and domestic ICT projects Bangladesh has been able to successfully implement, fiscal incentives and skills development initiatives, the Smart Bangladesh Vision, and the macroeconomic landscape that the home-grown ICT sector has enabled.
Enamul Hafiz Latifee emphasized the challenges and opportunities that the post-LDC graduation will bring to Bangladesh ICT sector, with a call for collaboration in creating an innovation ecosystem.
He also laid importance on scaling up the power and energy sector efficiency with the fullest use of ICT that would lessen the carbon emission footprints further. He also pushed forward the concept of using smart technologies to bring socio-economic changes that will help to achieve the UN SDGs. Also, proposed a formula that will be able to conserve the environment, but, without compromising the three common top priorities of the South Asian countries-- economic growth, employment creation, and poverty reduction.
The conclave underscored the commitment to regional cooperation and knowledge exchange, exemplifying a collaborative approach to addressing shared challenges.