Saudi Arabia executes 2 Bangladeshis for killing an Indian

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2023-12-25 21:24:12 Catagory: Metro
news portal for bangladesh
Saudi Arabia executes 2 Bangladeshis for killing an Indian

Two Bangladeshi expatriates in Saudi Arabia were executed after being convicted in a final court verdict over the killing of an Indian man.
The murder, for which no date was given, was the result of a financial disagreement, reports Gulf News.
The Bangladeshi nationals were found guilty of bringing the victim — an Indian citizen — to an empty plot of land, strangling him from behind with a piece of cloth, and killing him with pesticide. They then sought to cover up the murder by burying the body, the report said.
However, the police were able to apprehend them. Following an investigation, the duo was submitted to the appropriate court which convicted them.
The ruling was later upheld in the appeals and supreme courts, and it was made final by a royal order.
Both Bangladeshi individuals were executed in the Jazan area of Saudi Arabia southwest.