imo Now launches in Bangladesh

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2023-12-26 18:30:58 Catagory: Metro
news portal for bangladesh
imo Now launches in Bangladesh

Driven by the idea of Sharing is Caring, the global leading instant messaging app – imo, has recently introduced imo now, a location-based sharing and interaction feature, to offer enhanced safety to users and enable renewed family bonding among them.
Bangladeshi families are generally quite close-knit and stay connected to each other throughout their day. As Bangladesh society is quite family-oriented, loved ones often feel worried when a family member is outside the home or not returning home on time, especially youth, elderly family members, or loved ones living and working abroad. In many cases, untoward incidents also happen, which deal a heavy blow to family members.
To avoid such situations and help families stay in touch with each other 24/7, imo has brought in this new feature so that users can share their location and status information with family members. This will, in turn, not only help decrease tension about security concerns but also bring the families closer to each other; despite distance among them, family is always together.
For example, suppose a teenage student will be returning home late due to an evening study session. While making their way back home late at night, they can utilize the route sharing of imo Now to reach home safely while allowing a family member to keep an eye on their route and progress. By using features like location sharing, route sharing, status notice, and GPS navigation, the user can keep sharing locations and interacting with family members, instilling a sense of protection and safety among the family members.
In case of an emergency or problem at any specific location while commuting or on a trip, family members will receive an automatic status notice, meaning that families will always remain connected to each other, creating a better bond between them.
In families where the breadwinner lives in a different city or country, migrant workers for example, often face safety issues and loneliness and often become homesick. In these scenarios, imo Now proves to be a handy tool as family members can get notifications about their whereabouts from across the world. It will help keep their relatives worry-free.
Mutually, family members working abroad could also be updated about their children, significant others, and elderly family members location – gathering in one virtual map, family members can truly remain connected with each other. Since family group users can interact with each other under imo Now, based on any location updates, migrant Bangladeshis can feel a constant connection with home to relieve their homesickness significantly.
Mehran Kabir, Business Director of imo, said, “At imo, we take pride for keeping families close regardless of physical distance through our robust voice and video calling services. With the launch of imo Now we aim to keep loved ones constantly connected and bring peace of mind to families across the globe. The feature will complement Bangladesh family-oriented values by letting family members look out for each other's safety and well-being whether they are just running an errand in the neighbourhood or commuting to work in a faraway land.”
Moreover, imo Now features different interactive opportunities such as family group interaction tools – calls and chats – which will help Bangladeshi users interact more with each other in real-time and share necessary details. It will help connect family members while strengthening bonding and promoting a family-centric culture.