Conducted interactive sessions on the art of publishing research papers in international journals

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2024-01-11 00:13:56 Catagory: Metro
news portal for bangladesh
Conducted interactive sessions on the art of publishing research papers in international journals

In collaboration with Bangladesh Innovation Forum and E-Journal, an informative online interactive session on how to write research papers and how to publish in international journals is organized on January 9, 2024, at 8 pm. In this session, around 10,000 researchers including computer science, civil engineers, architecture, doctors, teachers, aeronautical engineers from all over Bangladesh connected online and they learned the necessary issues from the resource person through their question and answer. Keynote speaker was the Pro Vice Chancellor of the American International University Bangladesh (AIUB). Md. Abdur Rahman. How to determine a research topic, and then how to develop a research methodology based on this topic, and the steps to go through in writing a paper, the processes required to publish one's research paper in national and international journals are detailed Discussed on this session. He said_” A student can focus on research and publication of articles right from the time of university graduation. No matter what he studies, there are opportunities for research in the related field, and the research results can be published in various journals of the country and abroad. Also, various journals on various subjects are published by universities and institutions of different countries of the world. An article in a peer-reviewed journal is checked by other experts and editors and published based on standard criteria. The event was conducted by the President of Bangladesh Innovation Forum, Ariful Hasan Opu, he said, "Different guidance programs will continue in the coming days for the young researchers of our country to publish their research in international research papers". A brief presentation on the activities of e-Journal (Electronics Journal Management System) was given in the event.