Cartoon exhibition at Drik Gallery depicts student-people movement

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2024-08-30 21:35:20 Catagory: Metro
news portal for bangladesh
Cartoon exhibition at Drik Gallery depicts student-people movement

The Cartoon exhibition at Drik Gallery has depicted the student-people movement to the visitors through featuring cartoon pictures and screening videos on the historical phases of the mass upsurge.
Drik Gallery is currently hosting an exhibition where the scenarios and spirit of student-people mass uprising is being showcased.
The exhibition was organized by the Bangladesh Cartoonist Association, Drik, and e-arki at Drik Gallery in city Panthapath area with the theme "Cartoon Ey Bidroho (Revolution in Cartoons)".
The exhibition, which started on August 16, will continue till August 31. It displays a vast collection of cartoons, installations and video art highlighting the mass uprising of 2024.
During the mass uprising of students and general people in Revolution 2024, memes and cartoons became a powerful force, using sharp satire and bold imagery to capture the spirit of confrontation and unite the masses.