Tk 90 lakh lost in Parliament vandalism

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2024-09-15 21:27:05 Catagory: Metro
news portal for bangladesh
Tk 90 lakh lost in Parliament vandalism

Approximately Tk 90 lakh, including both official and personal funds, was lost during the vandalism and looting that took place in the Jatiya Sangsad Bhaban on August 5.
This figure was revealed during a meeting held on September 4, 2024, to discuss the overall situation of the Parliament building. The meeting, presided over by Acting Secretary Zebunnesa Karim (Additional Secretary, Committee Support Wing), outlined the steps to address the aftermath of the incident, according to a press release.
In response to the losses, a decision was made to take appropriate measures to recover the stolen cash. Additionally, authorities resolved to compile a detailed inventory of lost and damaged goods from various offices, sub-sections, and sections within the Parliament building. This inventory is to be submitted to the respective heads of each department for further action.