Huawei hosts health awareness session for female employees

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2025-03-09 04:03:26 Catagory: Metro
news portal for bangladesh
Huawei hosts health awareness session for female employees

In observance of International Womens Day, Huawei has organized a medical awareness session at Huawei South Asia representative office in Dhaka for its female employees. This initiative was a part of Huawei ongoing commitment to its employees wellbeing and highlighted the company dedication to fostering a healthy and inclusive workplace. On Saturday, Huawei Bangladesh shared this information in a press release sent to the media.
The session aimed to provide valuable counselling on urinary health, specifically UTIs (Urinary Tract Infection), which is a common issue among women. Dr. Sarkar Kamrun Jahan Jhinuk from United Hospitals Dhaka discussed various aspects of UTIs, including risk factors, symptoms, preventive measures, and treatment options in the session.
She emphasized that Urinary tract infections (UTIs) can often be prevented with some simple lifestyle changes. By drinking plenty of water, maintaining personal hygiene and avoiding tight-fitting clothes, the chances of moisture build up, bacterial growth, and ultimately UTIs can be reduced.
Linxiao, HR Director, Huawei inaugurated the session. Other Huawei officials were also present at the session.
Linxiao, said, “At Huawei we prioritize performance. No matter whether an employee is male or female, performance is the quality we seek in them and we have found that both males and females are capable to deliver quality performance. Besides this, Huawei is also very focused on employees wellbeing. That is why we have OPD and IPD insurance facility for our employees. Moreover, we frequently arrange health awareness sessions for them. Today session reflects our commitment to helping our female employees have better health.”
Huawei promotes gender inclusivity and empowerment. It also ensures a healthy working environment through multiple initiatives like checking indoor air quality, water quality, food quality every month. Under environment health and safety policy, it also conducts fire drills from time to time.