Installation of CCTV cameras at Khilgaon, Sabujbagh, Mugda begins

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2023-08-20 20:28:16 Catagory: Metro
news portal for bangladesh
Installation of CCTV cameras at Khilgaon, Sabujbagh, Mugda begins

With the slogan of Pahte Cholte Naito Bhoy Swastite Dhaka-9, Prime Minister Special Envoy on Environment and Climate Affairs Saber Hossain Chowdhury today inaugurated the installation of close circuit television cameras (CCTVs) in his constituency.
After the installation of CCTVs at International Dharmorajika Buddhist Monastery , Kamlapur, Sabujbagh , he said that it would ensure public safety, eliminate drugs and crimes under the slogan in the areas of Khilgaon, Sabujbagh and Mugda police stations .
The close circuit camera installation programme was undertaken with the personal initiative and overall cooperation of Saber Hossain Chowdhury.
Under the slogan of Swastite Dhaka-9, 413 high-quality CCTV cameras will be installed at the important points under Khilgaon, Sabujbagh and Mugda police stations.