St. Joseph Old Boys Foundation gets new executive committee

Reported By: ST Report Posting Time: 2023-10-04 19:15:13 Catagory: Metro
news portal for bangladesh
St. Joseph Old Boys Foundation gets new executive committee

Imran Karim, Vice Chairman of Confidence Group took in charge as the President and Sheikh Shabab Ahmed, Cheif External Affairs Officer of Nagad Ltd. as the General Secretary of the new Executive Committee of St. Joseph Old Boys Foundation (SJOBF), the alumni association of St. Joseph Higher Secondary School.
The announcement came recently for the year 2023-25 during the 15th Annual General Meeting held at the school premises.
Among the other 11 members Mohammed Tariqul Islam, Chief HR and Corporate Communications Officer, Confidence Group, appointed as the Vice President and Barrister Shafayat Ullah, Head of MTB Group Legal Affairs Division, appointed as the Treasurer of the association.