Household income doubled in 6 years: BBS
Data from the latest Household Income and
Expenditure Survey (HIES) has revealed that household income has increased
in the country while poverty and extreme poverty rates have declined
throughout the nation.
The household average monthly income has increased in nominal terms to Taka
32,422 in 2022, from Taka 15,988 in 2016 and Taka 11,479 in 2010, according
to the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS).
In the final report of HIES 2022 launched today, the BBS made significant
developments by selecting the quality enumerators, conducting residential
training, Introducing CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing),
improving data collection tools, substantially increasing the number of food
and non-food items based on COICOP (Classification of Individual Consumption
by Purpose), and implementing continuous monitoring and supervision etc.